Builtin Basic Authentication Provider

The builtin Authentication Provider is meant to be minimal, have no external dependencies and help a developer get up and running quickly. It could be used in a small production environment that has limited authentication needs.

It provides a username and password setup with a single admin user. The authentication mechanism for this class simply checks if the username and password of the provided AuthPackage matches the configured username and password. If they do, then an AuthData object is returned with the provided username and given the role of admin.


No configuration is required for this Authentication Provider but uses two optional items.


username of the user to be created. Defaults to admin.


password of the user to be created. Defaults to nimda.

Example Config

  username: admin
  password: myComplexPassword

Example Authentication Request

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/builtins/auth --data "{\"username\": \"admin\", \"password\": \"nimda\"}"